Quality assurance management
Quality assurance management
Quality assurance of e-learning courses - Manual
The handbook was prepared by a cross project team with representatives from eight countries. Association for Distance Education and flexible education, the representative.
A Guide to the quality of an e-learning developed project, the project Global Quality. The handbook has been tested by users in six countries, and improvements, and adjustments are made for testing.
The handbook is structured with process map of the working time in six phases:
- need's analysis
- definition phase
- design
- production
- implementation
- evaluation
Development managers, professionals and web designers will benefit from the manual. The quality system presented will provide valuable assistance for development of distance learning / e-learning / online studies, and will also be useful for developing other types of courses. Several phases have the good-quality tip of a more general character.
The handbook has been developed from the experiences of e-learning in the institutions and organizations that participated in the project. Other institutions are involved in the testing of the system.
Phase section makes it possible to use the system either from start to finish in the development of curricula and courses, or parts of a course development process.
Each phase is the detailed diagram of an evolutionary process, which is attached a series of checklists that can be used. Presentation form allows you to enter the exact phase is needed.
The handbook can be found online (not in printed version) and is in English. It is freely available and can be used free of charge. It comes in different formats.