What is e-learning?
What is e-learning?
What is e-learning?
According to the European Commission (2001) and action plan for e-learning, 'The eLearning Action Plan' is e-learning is defined as: "Use of the new multimedia technologies and the Internet with a view to improving the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services and provide opportunities for exchange of views and collaboration over distance "(author's translation).
This definition indicates a real belief that e-learning enhances learning through the use of new multimedia Technology and the Internet, and e-learning improves access to resources and services and also that e-learning requires knowledge sharing and collaboration with others.
In principle, include e-learning both training where participants will work individually and alone on a PC with an interactive learning program, often based on theory and traditions of programmed instruction and computer-based (or data supported) teaching (CBT = computer based teaching), and training programs with a high degree of teacher support and personal guidance organized and conducted by an educational institution. The latter form of e-learning has often evolved from distance learning tradition and is often referred to as online learning. Online distance learning is organized in different ways, from solutions that emphasize individual flexibility on the one hand, to solutions that emphasize teamwork and collaborative learning on the other side.