Medical Radiology Technician

Medical Radiology Technician

Medical technician in Radiology, what are the courses to be
The health of medical radiology technician is a professional profile that belongs to the category of health professions. Work, in fact, in the health field, working with medical and technical tasks in medical radiology.

How to become a medical technician in Radiology

The TSRM is a figure established by the Ministerial Decree of 26 September 1994, no 74 who works in the context of medical prescriptions that require the use of ionizing radiation. Can work independently or in health care facilities.
Medical Radiology Technician

The highly technical skills content that requires the exercise of the profession of technologists have to be acquired by attending a special three-year degree, relating to the faculty of medicine and surgery. The courses are open to many technologists planned, like all degree courses related to the health professions.

Access is a prerequisite for graduating high school lasting at least four or foreign degree equivalent.
The degree course content ranges from a medical (pathology, rheumatology, anatomy, etc.), chemical, biological, specifically in technical diagnostic skills, without neglecting aspects of "management" relating to employment law and health management. Details vary, of course, from faculty to faculty. The educational activities of the CDL in Techniques of Medical Radiology held articulated in lectures and compulsory training. The degree has value qualifies for state examination of the profession, although it is necessary to exercise the subscription to the Provincial Board of residence. The provincial colleges are headed by the National Federation of Professional Technical Colleges Healthcare Medical Radiology (FNCPTSRM).

After graduation

This is a profile whose technical nature does not preclude the charm of working in the healthcare setting giving their indispensable contribution in diagnostic practice. The features of highly technical and specialized medical technician in Radiology because they increase the potential of employability. No coincidence that the health professions are now some of the professions that allow less difficulty entering the world of work, given the specificity of the tasks related to the different profiles and the variety of possible locations.

The technologists can fit so much in the public sector through the competition in the private sector (diagnostic centers, clinics and surgeries, industry sector, professional services, etc.).

After graduating three years, however, can continue their studies, enrolling in a graduate program or a Master's degree.
