Access Distance Learning

Access Distance Learning

Distance Learning: How and why did the FAD
The FAD, which stands for Distance Learning, allows a more flexible and personalized study to those who have the opportunity to visit a school to take courses and lessons: how did we see and who now offers this service.

Historical notes

The FAD, or distance learning, was born in the second half of the nineteenth century when, during the first industrial revolution, began to feel the need to address the huge problem of illiteracy. Thus was born a kind of teaching by correspondence, using the postal and transport networks, intended to provide support to students who could not go to school, sending them the printed educational materials. This initiative was primarily aimed at middle class and, considering the costs for sending the material, did not spread much.
Access Distance Learning

There was instead a radical change in the early twentieth century when, thanks to the advent of radio and telephone as a means of mass communication, it was possible to communicate with a larger number of people at relatively low cost.

The FAD today

Today, thanks to new technologies, the means which it employs distance learning are computers and the Internet, which led to the creation and dissemination of what goes under the name of the web learning, with a significant reduction in logistics costs in relation to the movement and the purchase of expensive textbooks.
Distance education is now meeting the needs of those who, for reasons related to the family or at work, unable to travel to take classes, however, has the need or desire to continue their studies to earn a diploma or degree .

With regard to graduation, there are many institutions that allow the recovery of the academic year and then obtaining a diploma and also use the web to meet the needs of its students. These include Cepu and Grandiscuole: In both the student step by step is followed by a tutor who helps him in the method of study and learning.

As regards, however, the first degree, were born recently so-called telematic universities, which conduct their business entirely on the Web, sent to subscribers of video lessons and teaching materials needed to study and also providing a mentor who follows the student in training. Some examples of electronic universities are: UNINETTUNO, Unisu-Nicholas of Cusa, and Telematic University Unipegaso Giustino Fortunato.

The qualifications awarded through distance education system are obviously equivalent to those obtained at any other public or private.
