Social Networking in Education: more attractive or more fun?

Social network is a social structure made of individuals called "nodes", which is connected to one or more of certain types of dependence, such as friendship, kinship, common interests, stock exchanges, aversion, the relationship between sex or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige. Its easy form, a Social-Network is a diagram definite by ties, such as companionship, connecting the nodes examined. In addition, SocialNetworks are based on the speculation of 6 degrees. This presumption was projected in 1929, and he said that any person on globe can be linked to further people on the planet through a series of knowledge

At the moment, the boom of social networks, there was a rivalry between them and the courier is going on, because most famous courier, messenger, established in 1999 by the Society of the Microsoft. This social network has offered a major upgrade with new versions, but the same functionality, so that you can use it. On the other hand, other social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. are incorporated into many new applications for their websites where people can share not only photos, or ideas, but they can edit their own page to millions of different functions.

Social networking in education: more attractive or more fun?

Have you ever thought about why the students are always using their cell phones or MP3 of their teacher, and you are constantly saying, "Would you put away your cell phone?" Or, think about why they are all on Facebook or blogs, and more importantly, they know how to better use than we do? The answer is fairly obvious, we live in a globalized world, this means that the technology is essential. A few years ago it was very difficult to think of the possibility of having your own laptop or cell phone clean, it is now widely believed that almost everyone has one.

A few years ago, the use of technical equipment and the classrooms were not seen by teachers as a useful tool for their students. Probably, because they tend to think that the technology a few years, it would replace their role in the classroom. As we all know, it is impossible to replace the role of the teacher as the classroom, because the technology can not serve as a guide for students who need constant monitoring and guidance, but also that we can not ignore a lot of progress in education since the implementation of the technology.

Some social networks like Facebook has been created for educational purposes, main purpose of Facebook was to connect people to the university area (created by Mark Zuckerberg to students at Oxford University) This social network has enabled members of the University of (mostly students, and also. Teachers) to keep in touch, share preferences, profiles, etc. Probably if we compare the social networks such as Linked In, MySpace, Messenger and Facebook, the last is the most popular and useful for teaching purposes, because of its large number of applications, and a large number of activities (including share pictures, videos, profiles, etc.), users can do.

Today, training, networks have become more common with teachers, and many of them have discovered how easy it is to work with them on how their students were involved in activities, and how appealing and interactive that they can be. One of the main reasons for this change in the opinion of social networks is that social networks do not change the way we teach, but it helps to introduce new teaching methods and learning environments for learning. Social networks also allow teachers to keep in touch with the students, where they are. For example, students can share information and instant messages, links to relevant information, to encourage students, and track information for a long time.

Almost certainly for numerous teachers, social networks have not anything to do or to help out students in their learning procedure. They can deal with them one a distraction than a implement, other than teachers should bear in intellect that their children were born in the age of technology, and the simply approach to maintain interest in learning, В leaning environment that can only be in the classroom than outside the classroom through technology.

Well, we can not avoid the fact that social networks are in some ways distractors our students, because a large number of the application of them, we have to consider that students spend hours surfing the net instead of studying or reading printed material. We can take this into account, in order to keep the students to commit to learning and to give them a learning environment available to them, always attractive, interactive and interesting.

Today, the use of social networks play an active role for students, because it gives them more flexible, interactive and real class to create a good atmosphere in the teaching-learning process and social networks allow teachers to create new applications than the typical classroom lessons. These new uses social networks to create more intimacy, teachers and students, so students are able to interpret what they learn in their own language.

Applied to the real purpose of education is a social network of social contacts, because they can share information about the schools, society and family, strengthen the links between schools and society in different authors. Teachers, we must keep in mind the responsibility to develop a digital identity, which we must be aware of how we use these tools. Thus, students are millions of potential uses, such as high-speed communications colleagues to share information, create a more co-teaching classes, or to develop communication,

In summary, the teacher must be aware that the OSH does not currently have magical effects on teaching and learning. Just use the software in schools it does not mean that the teacher is better than others, so teachers have to use information technology, how students learn by doing things technology. In addition, he has to consider how students can develop different skills at the time of the use of ICT. In this case, a social network, there are several ways to do this, as well as a virtual discussions, listen to music, problem solving, discussion forum, read the document, for example.

Finally, the teacher can stand in the class and have a lively, enthusiastic, when done in class, but if students are not learning because the teacher of wasting your time. Technology is a resource to support learning and a good teacher to wish all of these resources.
